Unarmed strong muscular men churned from Akharas – an Indian training centre for bodybuilders in villages of India, are the best for hiring quality and respectful bouncer bodyguards anywhere in India.
This bodyguard bouncer is very well trained and is young , with good set of values for a educated, respected man. We have been providing such bouncer security men all over India or Pan India
The team selects the best possible bouncer for security and then shares the options with the clients to choose.
These men are from Haryana akharas and have been attested for good conduct and behaviour. The duty is at a university in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh(UP).
The bouncer hired traveled from Haryana for duty where the client will take care of food and accomodation of the security personnel.
Uttar pradesh is the largest and most populated state of India. The crowds are almost unmanageable. A good bodyguard is needed in all the big cities such as Agra, Lucknow, Prayagraj, Kanpur, Varanasi and many more.
The growing uneducated and unemployed population of this state is soemthing the upper class and middle class are afraid of and have to protect their families and loved ones from. A state of anarchy is possible in a state with a poor per capita, a reduced budget for education and a starving poor labour class. This state is also seeing the fastest development in the country. Things are changing but the need for having a bodyguard only increases as the pressure on the state resources increases with every child born in the state.
Please visit Careers for Bouncer bodyguard PSO jobs in Uttar pradesh, India
Click for – Bouncers for hire
For pictures of security work visit – NEWS
For information about our quality of work visit – TESTIMONIALS
Height of Bodyguard bouncer in picture – 6 Feet 2 inches.
Strong, Muscular and well trained from an Indian Akhara.