Verified and trustworthy Ex-Servicemen with All India Arms license for .32 Pistol or revolver on duty for VVIP in Chennai
The armed Gunmen are all :-
1) Ex- Army
2) Ex- NSG
3) Verified for all paperwork
4) Height 6 Feet Tall
5) Best Armed Security officers in India
6) Luxury car drivers i.e PSO cum driver

Looking for protection and safety for your children?
We have the most trustworthy Armed Security men to protect you and be sturdy and available 24 / 7 / 365 days a year.
What is the process of Hiring a bodyguard / Ex-Army Gunmen for safety ?
The process of hiring a personal security officer is simple, plan your budget, a space for the officer to stay and call us for immediate selection and deployment of PSO for 24/ 7 duty or customized as per your requirement.
Can all PSOs , Armed Bodyguards drive cars during their work ?

No, not all PSOs can drive, there is a certain experience and training required to give these men a Luxury car such as Range Rover, Mercedes , Audi etc
These special skills need to mentioned before hire so we can deploy Gunmen with valid skills to drive you cars during work.
Can I hire 2 armed Ex-Armymen for security ?
Yes, we generally recommend 2 for VVIP security services, that way you are always covered without any error, the post for your safety gets a stronger, better cover with one always covering the other during holidays, breaks etc.