Armed Ex-Servicemen with verified Arms License, .32 Pistol Revolver for duty in Farmhouse for VVIP family in New Delhi

The best security services anyone can get in India is possible through trustworthy, disciplined, trained and expert PSO Ex-servicemen from Army. We have no doubt that these men are the most sought after for protection by VVIPs, celebrities and many Industrialists all over India. Recommendations when asked from Denetim Services leads us to always recommend the men with top laurels and awards received during defense service. These men can protect families, farmhouses, property, valuables, children and provide excellent logistical and administrative support in efficiently running a farmhouse or managing complete security operations of large properties such as godowns, factories and big massive land holdings.

We new age training and updated tool kits , we can completely revolutionize the security at farmhouses and such large properties. With Sniffer dogs, CCTV cameras guards and bouncers placed strategically and smooth communication, we can make controls to give you 24 hour , 360 degree protection with solid backup and guarantee for support.

Ex-servicemen also known as PSOs or CPOs -from Punjab have been one important asset for the company as these Punjabi men are fearless and very dependable under all circumstances including unforeseen ones.


Farmhouses have large areas with small families require utmost care and confidence in the security agency and the security officer. We have been delivering quality and service back up without compromise to all are clients places all  over the country.


We are also hiring experienced , well educated bouncers and bodyguards for deployment. For more details please visit Careers.



Click for – Bouncers for hire


For pictures of security work visit – NEWS

For information about our quality of work visit – TESTIMONIALS



On August 7th, 2020, posted in: Personal Security Officer, Security Services News by