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EVERY Personal Security officer. Bodyguard, Close Protection Officer(CPO), Armed Gunmen,Private Security personnel is hired after complete verification, experience check and validation of all documents specially their discharge books and validity of arms gun licenses.
In today’s world we need quality protection and safety in case of any unwarranted situation. Safety when traveling, attending events , marriages, social functions, celebrations. For all these situations we need protection and safety from most trusted sources.
Denetim Services provides Personal Security officers / Bodyguards for your protection.Hire security personnel for companies all around India specifically in metropolitan cities – New Delhi,Gurgaon,Noida, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Chandigarh,Goa,Chennai,Lucknow, Bhopal,Ranchi, Pune and many more
Every hire, every deployment is well trained, have proper experience and provide stress free protection.
We provide specialized female security officers as well for more information visit – Female Security Officers / Female Bouncers
The personal security officers(PSOs) provided by us have unmatched quality and discipline, PSOs for hire available for deployment have rich experience of providing security to Politicians, Celebrities and VVIPs all around India.
Rules strictly followed for PSOs / Bodyguards control by Denetim Services
1) Time Adherence
2) Rules and Regulations adherence
3) Dress Code – Safari Suit preference
4) Only taking orders from direct authority.
Denetim Security provides specialized services in regards to security. The concept of keeping the VVIPs’ Celebrities and other important people safe with quality professional protection.
When a person views any threat to his life or life of his loved ones then hiring an appropriate security personnel is one of the best options available. Today most VVIPs, Industrialists, Corporate Heads have hired security cover for their family, specially for their kids.
1) VVIPs
2) Political families
3) Diplomats
4) Celebrities
5) Important Businessmen
6) Royal Families
7) Witness in Protection program
8) Women, Girls traveling in Delhi, Goa or any other destination as a tourist
We only hire PSOs after all are checklists are positive and have provided us all required verification.
PSOs / Bodyguards officers hired by us DO NOT have ANY criminal case or police case
We do not hire any security men with any background that gives us a hint of any incorrect behavior
Denetim has been working hard to build a quality Personal Security Officer / Bodyguard team which can be used by important VVIPs , diplomats, International travelers.
The specifically trained Bodyguards, PSOs, CPOs can handle any situation For more details please visit our Frequently asked Question Section
Please feel free to contact us – also please visit our client reviews on TESTIMONIALS
For pictures of our work visit – NEWS
For unarmed Security – visit Bouncers
Hire Sniffer Dog Security with Dog Handler – SNIFFER DOG SECURITY
For PSO jobs in India visit – CAREERS