Denetim Services, a well established and highly rated security agency in India, provided top class celebrity protection to English Premier League footballer visiting India – we covered three cities and helped the company managing these stars give protection starting from the airport to everywhere they went during their visit to big areas in Delhi and Mumbai.
International Celebrities require a very disciplined protocol of protection, they need best bodyguard and bouncers protecting them all day 24/7 as large crowds can be intimidating for such big known faces .
The commotion and large crowds start collecting right at the airport to meet and get a picture clicked with there favorite celebrity.
Bouncers at duty in both cities were:-
1) Educated
2) Celebrity Protection certified
3) Experienced
4) Well communicated
5) Well built
6) Taller than 6 feet
7) Can handle unforeseen circumstances
Now the film industry, fashionably famous and A lister celebrities want International Standards in Security and will not setlle for anything less.
To give top class security we need to make sure that the security officers are trained with best International skill sets, are empowered with latest communication devices, can speak English and be available for the client in any situation across India.