Travel Tips for Solo Female foreign tourists travelling to India

No Country will fascinate and frustrate you more than INDIA

1) Research 

Ensure you know the places and areas not to visit in the cities that you are travelling to. Also dont go to any unknown areas alone or at night

2) Clothes 

Dress in clothes that do not put to much attention on you. India is still a little conservative and its better to do as romans do than get all the attention in the populated land of India.

3)  Do not reveal any personal information to strangers

Travelling light heartedly is the key to travel in India, do not go down on details that reveal information about yourself to anyone unknown. Stop people making there unwanted opinions about you.

4) On Travel, always choose according to safety- Plane first, then Train ( Upper Berth) and finally Quality Personal vehicle .

Plane Journeys are the safest, choose a train journey in a upper class seat , without booking the whole area ( Being alone is good but many times unsafe)
Choose known and established Taxi companies in India

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5) Do not visit alone to unknown places at night.

Any area that looks quiet and hideous is something that you should avaoid at all costs, always carry a pepper spray and dont be scared to use it on any slightest of activity that arouses your suspicion. Spraying an innocent man is safer than any other consequence.

6) Dress Modestly in small towns.

Most Foreign travellers specifically women should be careful of dressing in small towns or careful when travelling anywhere which could lead to being a little late.

7) Do not be offended

Many times you will feel like a celebrity in India, DO NOT GET OFFENDED….. ITS CURIOSITY towards foreigners.

Just come prepared that because of you are a foreigner you shall be NO LESS than a Hollywood star in India right from your arrival to the moment you leave

8) Be Wary of Touts, Wandering Travel agents and roadside helpers

As you will notice in many locations where you visit for sightseeing you will find many people waiting for foreigners to visit regularly and will try to influence you with there tested techiniques to make you feel genuinely requiring there help. JUST WALK BY…. DO NOT REACT…. WAIVE and WALK


   A) Drinking Tap Water
   B) Exploring unknown places alone
   C) Exchanging contact information with stranger
   D) Taking Drinks from strangers
   E)  Carrying Valuables to Over crowded Publec places
10) CONCLUSION- INDIA is a great country of perplexing concundrums. 

You will fall in love with the diversity and ethicity of the country and start enjoying the organized chaos. You dont need to worry. Thousands of foreign travellers have visited and are visiting India very year and taking back good memories for life

1) Medicines
2) Sunscreen
3) Hand Sanitizer
4) Mosquito Repellent

All things are available in India except in case you require something locally available in your respective country.


We provide Protection from Airport to Airport during your visit to India.